I hope if your thinking about sending or referring some one to Teen Challenge you will first consider some of the truths I'm going to post. I will Name Names and I wont Lie to you. Everything I post is 100 percent true.
Beware of the worlds largest most successful fraud in the Jesus Business, Teen Challenge needs to be held accountable they are running peoples lives and the very ones that they are hurting the most for the majority of them don't realize this until its to late.
For Starters
Lets take a look at there logo view it here upper left corner its called the Star man logo http://teenchallenge.com ,

Why would a organization like Teen Challenge have this logo? Why have something that appears to be representing Lucifer when you call yourself a Christ centered program? Are we not suppose to flee the very appearance of evil as Christian servants of Jesus Christ?
I want to lay a foundation before i start revealing the truth about this organization.
President Bush Endorses Teen Challenge Need I say more.
What in the world is Teen Challenge thinking having this man George Bush represent this Christ Centered organization? President Bush used Teen Challenge to get votes like he used all the fundamental mega organizations to get his father elected he used them to get himself elected. George Bush the Liar the deceiver, the one that turned his back on the truth a long time ago this man is representing a Christ Centered Program like teen Challenge look at his comments here.
Dennis Griffith, Executive Director of Teen Challenge of Southern California, has been appointed by President George W. Bush to the Advisory Commission on Drug-Free Community Programs in the White House Office of National Drug Control Policy. The eleven-member Commission advises the President through John Walters, the Director of National Drug Control Policy, on matters related to the prevention and treatment of substance abuse among youth. Dennis states, "I made serious mistakes earlier in my own life. I got an opportunity to change and become a productive citizen. Not many youth are so fortunate. I've dedicated my life to help children and youth reach their potential in life and avoid those same mistakes I made."
"I deeply appreciate and I am honored by the President's appointment, "Dennis says. "This is a wonderful opportunity for me to serve in a way that is vital to our country's future and contribute to the nation which gave me a second chance." Dennis Griffith has served Teen Challenge of Southern California for over 25 years.
Dennis Griffith, Executive Director of Teen Challenge of Southern California, has been appointed by President George W. Bush to the Advisory Commission on Drug-Free Community Programs in the White House Office of National Drug Control Policy. The eleven-member Commission advises the President through John Walters, the Director of National Drug Control Policy, on matters related to the prevention and treatment of substance abuse among youth. Dennis states, "I made serious mistakes earlier in my own life. I got an opportunity to change and become a productive citizen. Not many youth are so fortunate. I've dedicated my life to help children and youth reach their potential in life and avoid those same mistakes I made."
"I deeply appreciate and I am honored by the President's appointment, "Dennis says. "This is a wonderful opportunity for me to serve in a way that is vital to our country's future and contribute to the nation which gave me a second chance." Dennis Griffith has served Teen Challenge of Southern California for over 25 years.
Many of the leaders in Teen Challenge have made major mistakes that hurt many people. One Leader's name is Angel Rosa.
Angel Rosa was the Executive Director of the Phoenix Arizona Teen Challenge Center, Angel also had built a Church from the ground up he would berate the staff saying if they did not tithe that he would fire them.
Pastor Angel Rosa where is he today? Last I heard he was working in a department store. You see Angel left his wife, his kids, his ministry, his church, for Drugs and a much younger girl and I mean girl not woman a young girl.
Many of the staff were using drugs at that center for their sake i will omit their names, but it all boils down to leadership. If the Leadership is corrupt then the whole organization suffers and the ones that suffer the most are those that were in the program when this tragedy took place.
On Angels behalf I will say that I never had a problem with Angel I liked Angel thought he was a great guy. I was crushed when I heard of his poor choices, I hope Angel is doing good living good anyway he wants.
When you chose leadership you deserve to be exposed for the fraud and brought into the light to be seen by all. Teen Challenge is trusted by many people and when that trust is violated it must be exposed.
Intersting that you remain anonymous, and say that you have knowledge of a lot of leadership that has made some dumb decisions. These decisions have hurt students, staff, families. We ALL make mistakes. Interesting how you have chosen to broadcast this and not encourage people to PRAY for the ministry & it's LEADERS. We ALL need prayer. A pastor friend of mine has said this, very freely, "Ministries rise and fall as a result of leadership." He is very aware of that. He also makes a point to call for prayer for himself, leadership in ministries and even in the government. I wish that you would do 3 things-
FORGIVE these men for their failures and PRAY that God would give them a Damascus Road experience that will sincerly change their hearts and lives. Thirdly, to pray for the leadership of Teen Challenge, that they would stand strong against the temptations that the enemy would throw at them, as they are leaders.
If a physician errs knowing that he/she is doing so, causing permanent or even disabling damage would your advice be to not report them, only to forgive them and pray for them? Or if a DCF worker abused their clients, causing trauma, would simple forgiveness and prayer be acceptable instead of reporting them and ensuring they're held accountable? People who place themselves in or are given trust have a responsibility and duty of care and those in their care have a right and responsibility to report when they violate it. Remaining anonymous is also a right as fear of retaliation is often justified. Exercising one's right is vital to all of civilization and something you just did in criticizing this site. Why did you not just pray and forgive, without the outburst? Are you exempt from the standard you demand from this blogger? Teen Challenge has been shown by numerous investigations to have more than a few little mistakes. These people are destroying lives from youth to old age with "success" rates below what even chance would afford them. If you found a serial killer in the act would you pray and forgive or do everything you can to prevent another victim? If the answer is to just pray and forgive at least retract your comment and not be a hypocrite, but if you are honest, admit you defend this organization not out of science (they are not treatment in any sense of the word and even practice methods shown to cause severe trauma), not out of compassion, except your compassion for those who cling to their ignorance despite proof of their gross misconduct, but out of a desire to be loyal to a cult that strives with all its might against any real progress. As a scientist, a citizen, and a member of the human race, the things Teen Challenge does and says reeks of their peers, e.g. Jim Jones. Look at them objectively and compare the actions of their leaders to those who aren't religious that you place trust in. After all, you are saying you would expose a mechanic who cut your brake lines, but not an unqualified, unlicensed person who is entrusted a loved one's life and willfully abuses that trust.
If a physician errs knowing that he/she is doing so, causing permanent or even disabling damage would your advice be to not report them, only to forgive them and pray for them? Or if a DCF worker abused their clients, causing trauma, would simple forgiveness and prayer be acceptable instead of reporting them and ensuring they're held accountable? People who place themselves in or are given trust have a responsibility and duty of care and those in their care have a right and responsibility to report when they violate it. Remaining anonymous is also a right as fear of retaliation is often justified. Exercising one's right is vital to all of civilization and something you just did in criticizing this site. Why did you not just pray and forgive, without the outburst? Are you exempt from the standard you demand from this blogger? Teen Challenge has been shown by numerous investigations to have more than a few little mistakes. These people are destroying lives from youth to old age with "success" rates below what even chance would afford them. If you found a serial killer in the act would you pray and forgive or do everything you can to prevent another victim? If the answer is to just pray and forgive at least retract your comment and not be a hypocrite, but if you are honest, admit you defend this organization not out of science (they are not treatment in any sense of the word and even practice methods shown to cause severe trauma), not out of compassion, except your compassion for those who cling to their ignorance despite proof of their gross misconduct, but out of a desire to be loyal to a cult that strives with all its might against any real progress. As a scientist, a citizen, and a member of the human race, the things Teen Challenge does and says reeks of their peers, e.g. Jim Jones. Look at them objectively and compare the actions of their leaders to those who aren't religious that you place trust in. After all, you are saying you would expose a mechanic who cut your brake lines, but not an unqualified, unlicensed person who is entrusted a loved one's life and willfully abuses that trust.
If a physician errs knowing that he/she is doing so, causing permanent or even disabling damage would your advice be to not report them, only to forgive them and pray for them? Or if a DCF worker abused their clients, causing trauma, would simple forgiveness and prayer be acceptable instead of reporting them and ensuring they're held accountable? People who place themselves in or are given trust have a responsibility and duty of care and those in their care have a right and responsibility to report when they violate it. Remaining anonymous is also a right as fear of retaliation is often justified. Exercising one's right is vital to all of civilization and something you just did in criticizing this site. Why did you not just pray and forgive, without the outburst? Are you exempt from the standard you demand from this blogger? Teen Challenge has been shown by numerous investigations to have more than a few little mistakes. These people are destroying lives from youth to old age with "success" rates below what even chance would afford them. If you found a serial killer in the act would you pray and forgive or do everything you can to prevent another victim? If the answer is to just pray and forgive at least retract your comment and not be a hypocrite, but if you are honest, admit you defend this organization not out of science (they are not treatment in any sense of the word and even practice methods shown to cause severe trauma), not out of compassion, except your compassion for those who cling to their ignorance despite proof of their gross misconduct, but out of a desire to be loyal to a cult that strives with all its might against any real progress. As a scientist, a citizen, and a member of the human race, the things Teen Challenge does and says reeks of their peers, e.g. Jim Jones. Look at them objectively and compare the actions of their leaders to those who aren't religious that you place trust in. After all, you are saying you would expose a mechanic who cut your brake lines, but not an unqualified, unlicensed person who is entrusted a loved one's life and willfully abuses that trust.
My opinion is whoever broadcast and expose Pastor Angel Rosa why don't you reveal yourself and say who you are why go incognito to expose someone like that and you not reveal who you are shows a big sign of jealousy and you're being hypocritical when it all comes down to it you're just jealous of his life the life you lived is still living maybe you're the one that wanted the younger girl and maybe you're the one that using drugs what real man goes and expose another man of his personal life
Honestly I think I figured it out the person exposing Pastor Angel Rosa his ex-wife laurie
I want to say a few things. Was heart broken to hear pastor Rosa and Laurie spilt. Was involved with teen challenge long before the first church was built. Started going there in 92 93. Was very close with pastor Rosa and family. I was in high school then and used to house sit for them when they were out of town. All I have to say is we're all human and fall. And we have one judge ...and it's no one commenting here. In the years since 92...I've seen many men that to this day I'm still in contact with that this program helped. My brother was in this program. And he did good first couple years out. The way I look at it. If you want to change...the program worked . Cause I can name dozens this program worked for. These men make their own choices...as did my brother when he left. At some point you have to grow up and take responsibility for your own actions . It's called being an adult. As people can guide you and try to show you the way. What you choose when you're on your own is on you. As for my brother he just went back to hanging out with his old friends. That was on him. And so the cycle starts over. But like I said I know dozens that worked the program and carried it to their daily lives and are still thriving 20 something years later.
I need to locate my missing daughter without going to the police authorities yet. My search so far has been in vain. I pray GOD WILL USE YOU TO HELP ME SOMEHOW. she may have been put into a facility like you have described How can I find out IAM A VERY DISTRAUGHT MOTHER MY TEARS HAVE BEEN MY FOOD DAY ALONG FEARFUL NIGHT
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